Halloween is probably the most stressful day of the year to be on the road. Traffic is a mess, there are people everywhere, kids are running through the streets, and it’s dark outside. Here are some tips from Harold's Used Auto Parts Inc in Philadelphia for driving this Halloween, to ensure you, your kids, and everyone else has a safe trick or treating experience.
Wear reflective clothing. A lot of Halloween costumes consist of dark colors, so make sure you include some bright colors or reflective pieces with your child’s costume this year. Any reflective material at all makes a world of difference to other drivers.
Stay calm; it’s easy to get stressed out when you are driving through a scene of Halloween chaos, but you drive every day and you can handle it. The more stressed out you are, the more likely you are to make a mistake, and the more distracted you’ll be. Stay cool and enjoy the festivities.
Make sure everyone is in the car before you start to move. You don’t want to take off while someone in the back seat is going back for a stray tootsie roll. Check and double check every time.
Above all, drive slow. Drive as slow as you want. You’ll keep you and yours safe, and give yourself plenty of leigh-way, in the event a rogue trick or treater hopped up on sugar takes off across the street. Take your time, take in the sights, and enjoy the night!
If your car has any hiccups you need to work out before taking it out this Halloween, let us know. The smoother your ride is, the smoother your night will go. If you have a bulb out, your wipers need replacing, a tire keeps going flat, or anything else that needs attention, come by Harold's Used Auto Parts Inc today!